Get Involved
We welcome everyone to join us at the Weston Media Center, where all our programming is created for and by the community! From sharing an idea for a local story through participating in our productions to contributing to the Weston Media newsletter, fundraising, and more, we offer an array of great opportunities for you to get involved. Here are just a few of the possibilities:
Become A Story Producer

Propose an Idea for a Local Interest Story
Heartwarming, compelling, or inspirational stories are all around us. Just about everyone has one. For example, perhaps you know an older adult with an interesting life story that would be great to capture. Or maybe there’s a backstory behind a local business that would be an inspiration to others. Do you know of a historic house or a highly energy-efficient home where people might like to peek inside? What about a student or an athlete who’s had a remarkable accomplishment or overcome adversity? Hobbies and passions also make for good stories; so do profiles of people who have unique or unusual professions. We invite you to share your ideas with us as we continue to identify and tell Weston’s meaningful, memorable, and best stories.
Participate in the Story Pre-Production
The Weston Media staff can film and handle the video editing; where we especially seek your involvement is with the logistics and planning that takes place prior to a shoot. Once a story idea has been identified, someone needs to do background research, set up interviews, and come up with interview questions. Perhaps you might like to take on the role of host or narrator of your story, as well as manage any other details, like scheduling, that come up.

Assist with the Production
During the filming of the story, you can provide an extra set of hands to help get people into position, pin on microphones, make sure hair and clothing look tidy, and maybe even conduct the interviews. This is also a great opportunity to learn about the art of videography from the Weston Media experts. If you happen to have some video production skills, you might even be able to do some of the video capture on camera and/or assist in the editing.
Spread the Word
Immediately after the story has been produced and edited, it will be broadcast on Weston’s public access channels and begin streaming on our Video On-Demand platform. Please help us to spread the word about this new program! You can do this by simple word of mouth, through social media, or perhaps by writing an article for a print publication.
Serve as a Weston Media Ambassador
Whether you’re a producer, a story participant, or a viewer, everyone can become a Weston Media ambassador by helping to publicize Weston Media and all our exciting, extensive programming and video content, showcasing our vibrant community. Whenever you watch a program that you like, please share it widely, with your friends, and family and beyond…
Donate to Weston Media or Volunteer to Fundraise
Currently, Weston Media is stepping up fundraising efforts so that we can continue to provide our community with the best possible public access programming. While Comcast and Verizon are required to support public access television stations like ours, this support is declining as more and more households “cut the cord.” So we now need your support more than ever.
Please consider a tax-deductible donation to Weston Media to sustain our evolution in this dynamic community and support our growing technical needs. Or simply encourage friends and neighbors to DONATE to Weston Media.