The Weston Hub

Submit an Event • About the Hub • Guide to using the calendar
Sign up for weekly Hub Highlights
Tip: when viewing on mobile, click the calendar icon within the search controls below and select List, Grid, or Grouped Lists view. These are more useful on small devices than the default Calendar view.
About the Weston Hub
The Hub is intended as a central Weston community calendar, displaying any event that local non-profit organizations or Weston town departments wish to promote.
The calendar offers both the default monthly view and various event-list views. You can search for events by name, time, location, categories, and more.
With the Hub’s simple online form, you can submit an event that qualifies for the calendar with essential details like date, time, and location; add appeal with a featured image; and apply categories to help potential attendees find your event easily. We hope you will submit events to the Hub calendar, use it to learn what’s going on in town, and spread the word about this new community resource.
Every Monday, the Hub team will send an email newsletter to the Weston Media Center mailing list that features a selection of events for the upcoming week. Subscribe via the “Sign up for our newsletter” button at the bottom of this page.
The Weston Hub team is: Alanna Muldoon, Joel Angiolillo, Jonathan Dowse, Marga Hutcheson, Sandy Kendall, and Theresa Levinson. Please feel free to reach out to us at with any questions or comments.
Guide to using the calendar
You can search for events using the search controls above the calendar. From left to right and/or top to bottom, these controls include:
- A general text search field.
- “Show Advanced Search” button. Click to open a popup search form with more fields, such as location and categories.
- “Sorting Order” button. (This does not affect the month view, just the other views.)
- “View Types” button. Click to open a dropdown menu and choose the type of event view.
The event view types are:
- Calendar: the default, a classic full-month view. Best viewed on a large screen — not very useful on mobile.
- List: a list of upcoming events.
- Grid: similar to List, but in a grid format.
- Grouped Lists: similar to List, but grouped by day.
In Calendar (month) view, click on the month at top left to open a month and year picker. At top right are arrows to go to the previous or next month, and the “Today” button brings you back to the current month. Click on any event to open a popup with basic info.
In that popup, or in List or Grouped Lists view, click an event’s “More Info” button to open a page showing all details about the event. In Grid view, click anywhere on an event to open its full page.
Note: in some cases, such as switching from Calendar view to a different view and back again, changing sort order, etc., multi-day events become shown only on their first day, and past events sometimes disappear from the calendar. Reloading the page restores the events. We are looking into a fix for this.