Legacy Garden Beautification + Other Case Estates Improvements
10 a.m. to noon
Join Weston Conservation Staff and WFTA volunteers as we create woodchip pathways and erect perimeter fencing on the newly created Legacy Garden at the Case Estates. The Legacy Garden is a pollinator project involving the Conservation Department, Zoo New England’s Field Conservation Program, and Weston’s second grade students.
Second graders have planted a variety of important native pollinator-rich species in a new garden off the Legacy Trail near the Compass Rose in October 2023 and 2024- now we need to add pathways and some attractive perimeter fencing to allow the public to explore the garden.
At the same time, volunteers will assist with annual clearing of stone walls and around the base of the iconic trees at the Case Estates to keep the property looking beautiful. Work will involve loading wheelbarrows and spreading wood chip mulch, pounding stakes and attaching nylon rope as perimeter fencing, and using loppers and/or electric string-trimmers to clear vegetation from the stone walls and around trees.
Park and meet behind the three old Case Estates buildings, off Wellesley Street. Here is a MAP.
How to Participate
Please contact the Conservation Department for projects details and to sign up. No previous experience is necessary. We will provide all the know-how.
To sign-up, contact conservation@westonma.gov. Children at least 13 years of age must have parental supervision, ages 16+ do not need parental accompaniment.
Bring work-appropriate clothing, no open-toed shoes, water and snacks, durable work gloves, and a good attitude!
No tools are necessary for this work event.