Connecting Our Community

Weston Media Seeking Board Member

The Weston Media Center (WMC) has an opening on its Board of Directors. The current board is a diverse group made up of those with fiduciary backgrounds, media-making skills, experience in the arts, and a dedication to innovation and inclusivity. We aim to expand the benefits of the “digital village” in ways that enrich our lives here in Weston. 

 The board generally meets once per month. We are responsible for planning for future growth and development of the WMC through programming, marketing and development. We help to coordinate with other Town organizations and assist with outreach to like-minded nonprofits and affinity groups.

 The Board benefits from a variety of skills and experience. For the current openings, we seek to add members with skills in one or more of the following professional areas:

  • Development or fundraising;
  • Town government or Town involvement, e.g. in the schools, Council on Aging, etc.;
  • Continuing education in the arts or technology fields;
  • Journalism (online or paper);
  • Management of a local cable access station;
  • Non-profit legal and regulatory management;
  • Familiarity with modern media hardware and software, e.g., audio and video recording, media storage and transmission

Most importantly, we are looking for individuals who can work well with a like-minded team to grow the WMC, a valued service in town, consistent with the mission of the WMC. We are also looking for creative thinkers who can help WMC navigate the challenge of balancing limited revenue with a growing demand for services. 

If interested, please send a letter of interest with background information to or to

Weston Media Center, Inc.
356 Boston Post Road
Weston, MA 02493

WMC Mission Statement

Weston Media Center is a public non-profit organization dedicated to connecting the Weston community. Our mission is to provide informative and entertaining programming via cable television, streaming services, and social media platforms. In addition, the Weston Media Center furnishes resources and expertise so that all members of the greater Weston community can be involved in creating stimulating content for the greater good.

WMC Vision Statement

Weston Media Center’s vision is to be the multi-media hub of Weston, producing content that residents want to consume, interact with, and share. We encourage community involvement through media education, creating original content, volunteer opportunities, and internships.

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