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Land’s Sake Pie Fest 2024

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Land’s Sake Pie Fest 2024


September 22, 2024    
11:00 am - 2:00 pm


Land's Sake Farm
90 Wellesley Street, Weston, MA

Event Type

Tickets include:

  • Event admission
  • Catered lunch, lemonade, apple cider, water
  • Pie eating contest, festival games & activities

Also available for purchase:

  • Adult beverages for consumption on-site
  • Fun fall goodies including pies, apple cider donuts and other treats

All proceeds will go towards Land’s Sake Farm’s operations, and supporting their mission: building meaningful connections between people, the food they eat, and the land.

Pie Fest is on, rain or shine!! We have a big tent to keep us dry if it rains! 

Stay connected!